Simply put, I love what I do. I strive to be the best at it. I want my photos to mean something, to transcend just ‚another shot‘ and become undeniable moments of clear story telling and emotion.

As a climber, slackliner and trailrunner i know how the mountains feel and what feeling you get after a successfull accent or reaching the finish after a long run – and as a photagrapher i know how to capture this moments.

Over the last 5 years I have put all my energy into evolving my photography and videography skills, as well as training my body to get as strong as i be.

If you need any kind of adventure- or livestyleimages, don’t hesitate to contact me.

See you in the mountains!


Leon Buchholz Mann im Studio


we use the latest photo and video

gear to deliver the

best quality for our coustumers

keep it simple

we don’t waste your time

every shooting is well organised, but always

in a relaxed athmosphere


over the years i developed a rich skillset to

 follow my clients in all kinds of situations

e.g. alpine climbing, trailrunning, slacklining

You want to know more about me??

Great! Than check out my facebookpage or write me an email!